Grant Policy

 June 2024

The Directors of the Molly Towell Perinatal Research Foundation (the “Foundation”), a registered charity, must grant the Foundation’s funds in accordance with the Foundation’s charitable purposes. The Foundation’s charitable purposes are the following:

  • (a) to assist in research and education in the field of fetal or neonatal medicine;

  • (b) to provide funding of graduate level post-doctoral (MD, PhD or equivalent) Fellowships for qualified individuals in the field of research in fetal or neonatal medicine;

  • (c) to support lectures, seminars, conferences and symposia on a regular basis to be given by experts in the field of fetal or neonatal medicine;

  • (d) to fund the purchase of equipment and supplies to be used in education and research in the field of fetal or neonatal medicine.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Income Tax Act (Canada), in particular, subsection 149.1(4), grants may only be made to organizations which are “qualified donees” – for the purposes of the Foundation, essentially other Canadian registered charities. The Foundation typically requires the recipient institution to administer the grant with the research to be carried out by a specific researcher or team of researchers. The Foundation does not grant for clinical trials or projects that are purely epidemiological in nature.

Researchers have no legal relationship whatsoever with the Foundation. The Foundation does not grant funds to cover liability concerns nor does it provide funds for travel, pension or employment benefits including maternity/paternity leave. It is expected that the use of Foundation funds will be in accordance with the policies of the recipient institution. Exceptions to the above include interruptions in the ability of the recipient to conduct the funded research whereby a request for a no-cost extension may be considered.

If the research awardee terminates employment with the institution prior to the end of the funding period, the funds remaining in the award must be returned to the Foundation.

When “Matching Funds “are required for a Fellowship Award, this is meant to be from the recipients Institution and on a 1:1 basis with the funds provided by the Foundation to support the candidates salary. The Board may request from time to time that the Institution’s research accounting Department provide written confirmation to the Board that matching funds were provided to the candidate.

Applicants are required to indicate in their application whether they currently hold a salary award. This will generally not preclude awarding a MTPRF Fellowship to the individual, although decisions could be made on an individual basis depending on the amount of the award and funding policies of the award agency whether individuals can be eligible to concurrently hold the MTPRF Fellowship Award in addition to awards from other agencies. Should a recipient be successful in receiving another Salary Award, they must report this to the Board and a decision will again be made on an individual basis whether they may continue to hold the MTPRF Fellowship Award.