
Important Note:

  1. Please go through the corresponding application guide below carefully. It provides important information about the application requirements. You should have as much information ready for input as possible before you begin filling out the form.

  2. Save and continue. If you are unable to complete the application in one sitting, you can submit what you have to date and return later to continue. You are responsible for ensuring all fields are completed before the application deadline. Further details are available on the process in the application submission system.

  3. By submitting an application to the Molly Towell Perinatal Research Foundation (the “Foundation”) you are expressly consenting to the following:

    • If you are successful in obtaining an award, you are consenting to the Foundation publishing your name, the title of your research proposal which and pertinent information concerning your professional and educational background on the Foundation website.

    • You have obtained the appropriate consent of any co-researchers or research subjects whose personal information will be disclosed by the Foundation publishing such information on its website.

  4. By virtue of submitting an application, the applicant confirms they have read and agree with the Foundation’s Privacy Policy and Grant Policy.

Fellowship Application Guide

Normally, the limit for applications is $35,000 as a one-time disbursement, and it can be expended over the course of one year.

This application contains four steps:

  1. Applicant information

  2. Funds and research related questions

  3. References and signature files upload

  4. Confirmation and submission

1. Application Information

You will be required to enter all personal information and append your curriculum vitae outlining your educational achievements, academic experience, any previous research experience and a publication list. The file format accepted for this section are pdf or Word doc. You are allowed to upload one file.

2. Funds and Research Related Questions

In this section, you are required to provide the following:

  • the amount you are requesting

  • a brief budget description and its justification

  • host institution and research mentor information

  • Signed signature form by your mentor (see # 3 below)

  • Upload your research training description you intend to undertake during your fellowship. The file format accepted for the description are pdf or Word doc. You are allowed to upload one file

  • Upload your proposed research description

  • Upload your proposed research resources and environment description; you are allowed to upload one document that should be about half a page long

  • Relevance to Molly Towell Perinatal Research Foundation: Describe how the project is relevant to the Foundation’s vision and goals (max 200 words)

3. References and Signature Files Upload

You are required to provide the names and emails of three individuals and upload the signed signature forms from your department head and Institution. You can download the form here.

These three individuals will have to provide a letter of reference on your behalf. The proposed mentor must be one of the three and preferably including your current department head. The letters of reference should highlight the candidate’s strengths as they relate to suitability for research (e.g. creativity, technical aptitude, critical skills and judgement). The three letters of reference should be confidential and each letter sent directly from the reference to before 11:59 pm local time,  March 22, 2025 .

4. Confirmation and Submission

Once you have completed the above three steps, you will have a chance to review all your answers and and make changes as needed.

The application window for the 2025 competition is now open.

Application Deadline -  March 22, 2025 (11:59 pm local time)

Peer Review Process

The review process will be performed by a peer review committee with expertise in perinatal medicine. Applications for Operating Support and the Fellowship Programs will be reviewed by all committee members, except where a committee member has a conflict of interest. Each application will be evaluated using a predefined scoring grid that ties in with the Molly Towell Perinatal Research Foundation objectives. Scores will be used to rank the applicants. Consensus on ranking will be reached by discussion among the committee members.

Recommendations will be forwarded to the trustees of the Board of the Molly Towell Perinatal Research Foundation for final approval. The allocation of funds to the various types of awards will be based on the alliance of the applications to the objectives of the Foundation.